Shifting the objectifying gaze: Focusing on women's personality disrupts sexual objectification
Teasing, self-objectification, and body image for adolescent athletes
Listen to your heart: Focusing on your heart beat can protect against self-objectification for women
“Boys can be anything,” Or how Barbie limits girls’ career dreams
6-pack abs & thigh gaps: Objectification, body image, & eating disorders for adolescent girls & boys
Why do people objectify women’s bodies?
Sexualized music videos, self-objectification, and wellbeing for girls
How do gender stereotypes affect girls' interest in pursuing STEM careers?
Too sexualized to be taken seriously? How sexualization affects judgments about girls accomplishment
Self-objectification discourages activism: "Objects don't object"
How do bullying and sexual harassment impact girls' feelings about school?
How do women deal with sexualized work environments?
Sexual objectification as everyday trauma
Sexualization in social media profile pictures
Sexual objectification in romantic relationships is related to lower relationship satisfaction
Dancing and body image: Comparing belly dancers, hip hop dancers and exotic dancers
What's the link between reading Cosmo and self-sexualization?
Too much Facebook: Social media use and negative body image for girls
Judgments of self-sexualization on Facebook, or, too sexy to be smart
Buying into sexism is bad for young women's body image