Sexualized music videos, self-objectification, and wellbeing for girls
How do gender stereotypes affect girls' interest in pursuing STEM careers?
Too sexualized to be taken seriously? How sexualization affects judgments about girls accomplishment
Does exposure to sexual media impact attitudes and beliefs about sex?
Self-objectification discourages activism: "Objects don't object"
How does trans-based discrimination affect romantic relationships?
How do bullying and sexual harassment impact girls' feelings about school?
Hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people do happen and have real impacts
Imposter Syndrome and Women of Color: How race and gender stereotypes impact high achieving women
Twitter Contributes to Misinformation on Sexual Assault
Open Relationships: Questioning tradition and creating your own connections
How do women deal with sexualized work environments?
Tensions between Spiritual and Sexual Identities
How does porn shape girls' understandings of sex
Sexual objectification as everyday trauma
Resilience from child sexual abuse trauma
Sexualization in social media profile pictures
Oh, Playboy: Sexual objectification and the playboy ideal
Sexual objectification in romantic relationships is related to lower relationship satisfaction
#Notallmen: Is there anything positive about traditional masculinity?