Our mission is to translate and disseminate knowledge about sexuality and gender.
The double-edged sword of the “Strong Black Woman” schema
Gender matters in LGBQ discrimination experiences
What is sexual & reproductive health, rights, and justice?
What is rape culture?
What is LGBTQ+ Lives & Issues?
What is positive sexuality?
What is toxic masculinity?
Lesbian and bisexual women remember their firsts. Let’s talk about sexual attraction!
Gender bias for girls and women in STEM
Women in Academia Burdened with Student's Gendered Expectations: Women are Nurturing, Men are Assert
Non-binary identities in binary times: What does it mean to identify as queer, bisexual or pansexual
Teasing, self-objectification, and body image for adolescent athletes
Listen to your heart: Focusing on your heart beat can protect against self-objectification for women
Ben Carson Doubles Down on Transphobic 'Logic' behind Policing Gendered Spaces
“Boys can be anything,” Or how Barbie limits girls’ career dreams
Are gender stereotypes evolving with the times?
6-pack abs & thigh gaps: Objectification, body image, & eating disorders for adolescent girls & boys
Having an abortion doesn’t negatively impact mental health. Being denied an abortion does.
Why do people objectify women’s bodies?
Gender stereotypes in children's toys and media
Sexualized music videos, self-objectification, and wellbeing for girls
How do gender stereotypes affect girls' interest in pursuing STEM careers?
Too sexualized to be taken seriously? How sexualization affects judgments about girls accomplishment
Does exposure to sexual media impact attitudes and beliefs about sex?
Self-objectification discourages activism: "Objects don't object"
How does trans-based discrimination affect romantic relationships?
How do bullying and sexual harassment impact girls' feelings about school?
Hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people do happen and have real impacts
Imposter Syndrome and Women of Color: How race and gender stereotypes impact high achieving women
Twitter Contributes to Misinformation on Sexual Assault