About Us
Critical Knowledge for Critical Times
The mission of SexGenLab is to translate and disseminate knowledge about sexuality and gender to the public and people outside as well as within the academy. Our work positions the most cutting-edge sexuality and gender research beyond problems, risks and minimization and towards resistance, strength and well being to be leveraged for social justice, social supports and human rights.
Founded by Dr. Deborah Tolman and CUNY graduate students, with a growing group of affiliated scholars and network of research labs from across the US and the globe, our tagline is “Critical knowledge for critical times.” When it comes to gender and sexuality, the times could not be more critical. Erasure of transgender people; persistent lack of knowledge about sexuality; worry about rape culture and sexual violence, as well as newfound concern about toxic masculinity; threats to and denial of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice–these are some of the most provocative, hot and noteworthy of our time.
At sexgenlab.org, we ensure that innovative research–often the least likely to make its way into the public conversation– is made available. sexgenlab.org is about more than getting the facts straight. We believe that infusing public dialogue with the exciting and positive new knowledge that is constantly being produced about gender and sexuality–leveraging new facts in a time of fake news–can help strengthen and amplify so many efforts that are already underway, in journalism and public policy, on Twitter and in blogs, from high school and undergraduate classrooms to professional trainings to activism and advocacy.